Monday 12 November 2012

Well i have managed to.....

Hi guys

Well after a long day at work I am sitting in my chair with my iPad fiddling with my blog and I have managed to change the background to pink my fav colour and read two posts and publish them from Eunice and Fiona (I was listening to your tuition Fiona) ! Let's see if I can publish this post.  Next need to put in some pics better learn to walk before I can run !! Ttfn

1 comment:

  1. Well done Sue, I like the pink stripey background.
    Don't forget to add the followers icon in your sidebar.
    Btw you have made a typo in the title, 'manged?' sounds like a flea riddled dog, think you mean managed. You can change it by going into 'edit'
    Brilliant effort and look forward to seeing pics soon.


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